Saturday, May 14, 2011


Today we went to the Communication Center in London where the emergency plus calls come into. They said that at first there were 32 different boroughs and now they are only at 3. They trained all to have multi skills and have the knowledge to do everything needed to keep the system running smoothly. This place was very informational but at the same times a need to know basis.
At our afternoon even we got to see how they do their training for police safety, which is pretty close to what we do. The only difference is the hand cuffs, very different and more control. Watching what they do and learning about how they feel as an officer knowing that most of them are not armed in any way makes you wonder as an American how these officers don’t get hurt like we would. I mean if the public knew that the police officers were not armed with a fire arm or with CS spray/pepper spray how many more might die? The question is would we be safer. Of course they talked about if there were someone that had a weapon like a knife or fire arm they would call another unit that are specially trained for this to take over. It is very different but the same….. The Constable Richard Watson would always quote, “We are nice officer,” with a grin.

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